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Tuesday, 9 February 2016


In this day and age, disappointments are as inevitable as the air we breathe. Every mortal being is imperfect, and because of this imperfection, we should anticipate the possibility of some undesirable outcome in any human relationships we become involved in. It is like taking a risk in business dealings. If it turns out to be good,thank heavens; if otherwise, do not worry,many have gone through it before. One may never be the first nor the last to encounter any specific type of trials and tribulations one might come across in our journey through this "valley of tears." Ecclesiastics 3:15 puts it this way: That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath been already.                                                                             People have their ups and downs. People do things for reasons known sometimes to them and God only. The object of this is to share the story of how one can survive the most difficult moments of life. Since onbody goes through life without one form of trial or another, perhaps my experience and how I overcame it could be an inspiration to someone who reads these pages. If one person overcomes tremendous difficulties as a result of reading these pages, it would be wonderful because it is said that the angels rejoice when one sinner repents. Survival tactics were to rely heavily on the promises of God in the holy scriptures

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