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Friday, 19 February 2016


Nobody can claim a perfect problem-free or relationship. Not even our savior, Jesus Christ, could. He went through thick and thin to the work His Father sent Him to accomplish on earth. There were temptations,oppositions, rejections, and also acceptance. The same is true of our human lives, especially as married or not. Consequently, no family will claim immunity to life's challenges. If it is not one thing, people say, it's another. If it is not infertility, it is stubborn and/or physically challenged children; if it is not poverty, it is family chaos. In short, every human has a burden to bear in life. These burdens come with variations; rarely are they identical in size and shape. It does not, however, require the strength of a Samson nor the wisdom of a Solomon to maneuver through the work thorns and enjoy the roses.                                                                                                                              It only takes a sense of commitment and dedication to a cause one believes in-family. Consequently, when one is faced with a defined problem, the best escape is not to run away, but to accept it. Believe that He who allowed that problem to come our way will give us enough strength and courage to overcome it. If we accept ours in good faith, with total submission to the Supernatural Creator, we will have peace and a way of escape. By abandoning it to run elsewhere, one might end up facing more difficult challenges. This time the problem might be heavier because it is self-imposed. It is called manipulation temptation and it happened to sarah, the wife of Abraham.

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