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1)  When they loot money, they keep is in Switzerland 2)  When they want to enjoy with their family, they travel to USA 3)  when sick, th...

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Traditionally when we talk about family we refer to that social unit composed of a husband and wife and their children who are related by blood or adoption. In this connotation,the term sets the parameters for defining two sets of grandparents, uncles,aunts,cousin,and other relatives. And when we think of the purpose of family, we think of the nurturing of children,the teaching and transmission of traditions, values, responsibility for each other's welfare,and respect for each other's individuality.                                                                         in this day and age, however, the term "family" is being redefined. One school of thought defines the family unit as two or more persons who share resources, share responsibility for decisions, share values and goals,and have commitment to one another over time. This network of sharing and commitment, they argue,most accurately describes the family unit,regardless of blood,legal ties adoption, and marriage.                                                    Many argue, and I agree, that this type of redefinition of family demeans marriage.By this broad definition it means a family is to an individual what he or she wants it to mean. With this connotation, the family ceases to be the foundation unit of civilization and becomes just one among many choices of a way of life. It implies a family is any combination of individuals in almost any situation or setting. Such a loose definition might lead one to overlook the importance of a two-parent,heterosexual family- the traditional ideal.

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