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Friday, 26 February 2016


The golden glow of the moon rested over the huts of Aluete, a tiny village of the Elemeland nestled in th breasts of the Okulu hills. into the aging night, a thick cloud crept over the golden beauty and gently escorted her to seek refuge behind the hills.
  In one of the littered huts, Chief Ollor sifted on is bamboo bed. it was one of those nightd when slep denied a man the blessings of a goodnight rest. His mind was full, leaving the blessings is head swimming. he was too agitated, drowned in so much thoughts that sleep stayed away. Chief Ollor eard the first cockcrow, followed by the econd crow. He turned over on isbac, is restless eyes tormemting the tiny patches in the thatched roof by the dying low of the moonlight.
  At the third cockcrow, he coul see rays of dawn filtering in through the tiny holes in the thatch roof. e got up, adjusted his loincloth, uny is towel around is neck, put out the burning oil-lamp and pushed aside the matt fastened for door. The man bent forward, quite low before stepping for into the soothing morning breez.
  Chief Ollor was a very tall man, dark, with tick lips, heavy face and broad chest. He was a quiet achiever, never now to have deliberately offended anybody, nor pushed himself into taking offence. He fed his ancestors well when due. He had thrown some goo wrestlers in the arena. He had equally got thrown by others. He was a good husband, father, and a good on of Alu-ete by Eleme standard.

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