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Thursday, 25 February 2016


The Weather was fair, There were flying birds and dancing hawks in the sky. suddenly, a fist dark cloud appeared at a coner of the sky. it began to spread, creeping over the bright sky, eating up the sunlight.
  Soon the sky was thickly dark. thunder was in reign, flash after flash and clap after clap. the angry wind rushed through trees an branches, leaves and houses, puncing, pushing and roaring lie a thousand lions.
  Then the rain descended. the drops were like stones. they came heavily on rain descended. the drops were like stones. they came heavily on leaves, trees and rffia thatched roofs. the raindrops came in the manner of hails of angry arrow heads tumbling from the sky.
  For a long time, the rain came down in torrents. The rain came down heavier and angrier than any one living could remember. This was followed by a storm. An angry wind rushed in a gale, angrily pushing down trees full of leaves and fruits, all over the place. the storm raved on, exposed roots could be seen scattered where trees had once stood.
All the wonderful flowers and trees sprinkled in the lustful fields and along the roads were hatched down in a menacing disgust of nature's blind anger.

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