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Wednesday, 17 February 2016


Whenever a husband neglects his obligation to his extented family, the wife is always to blame. Frankly some women do not care what people say, but those of us who mind would rather take up our husband's obligation to his family and do it for him instead of hearing those uncomplimentary remarks. Believe you me, such an attitude rarely makes any difference. Quesera Sera"-what is to happen will eventually happen, irrespective of how one behaves or what one does. One satisfying consolation derived from being good is the guilty free feeling that "after all I did my best." The contrary is not as gratifying; one might wouder if, perhaps, things might have turned out differently accepted good-girl behavior.             These days I see things very differently,though, and I think differently, too. There are so many opportunities out there, so many possibilities, so much one can learn or do. Instead of looking at the past, I focus onto the future, exploring all I should do to reach my set goal. Right now, I am a process in making. God has worked wonders in my life already, but He is not yet done. I know that He who began this goodvwork in me will be faithful to complete it,and continue doing more until the day of Jesus Christ. And I firmly believe that His zeal in seeing to my welfare will not stop until He accomplishes all He promised me through His faithful servants.                                                                                                                I believe that no word of His goes back to Him void. He is the author and finisher of my faith. I keep reminding Him, Precious Lord, take my hand and lead me on, hear my call, hold me tight, less I fall. Though there have been moments without answers, yet every obstacle I encountered presented an opportunity for me to improve my condition. It is never too late for one to be what one might have been; time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.

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