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1)  When they loot money, they keep is in Switzerland 2)  When they want to enjoy with their family, they travel to USA 3)  when sick, th...

Friday, 26 February 2016


He smiled faintly and shook his head at memories of days gone when he had known her. He entered the hut bent double.Chief Ollor walked straight to the earth mould where Alu-ete women and children slept. He sat down on the cold earth Osila Abbey fumbled with th smoky oil-lamp for a while before going to sit by his side.
  "We are happy to see a new dawn", he began.
  "We thank our ancestors for everything," she ventured.
Deep inside of her, she knew that he had got something on his mind, something he wanted to talk about. something worth discussing as they have done so many times before since they entered an age where they become more of guardian and counselors to each other than a mere husband and wife relationship.
  "The farming seaon is at hand and this time around I want to take the Achu ete yam title," he said slowly.\,
Finally it was out. She took in a deep breath and then gently released it. This man is a king.' she thought with pride. This man is walking the path of the life with purpose laced with determination and courage. Was it not said that it was not life that matters but the courage which a man brings into his life.?
She looked up and said, "We will pour libations to our ancestors and the gods for their guardianship."
   "I'll send for the wine right away. Everything shall come to pass by the glory of our ancestors," he told her.
   "I am all with you. I'll inform my daughter, Lalewa. Also,
   "I'll take the honour to search for a young pretty sparrow to warn the bed of one of the greatest chiefs in Alu-ete," She said dulcetly.

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