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Friday, 26 February 2016


There was a time when he was challenged by a mat under the influence of palm wine. Like very Alu-ete son of that time, he had suffered two straight poor harvests that had time, he had wrecked him. sitting with members of his age grade at the burial ceremony of Chief Nkporo, Ntei, a popular drunk in is age grade had said to hm, "You poor wretch, your first wife shall be my next bride and the second my concubine. Your bowl shall be on my table and I shall see what to do with you after feeding my dog.
 Chief Olor did not reply Ntei right away.He simply went on to take two yam titles at a stretch before his challenger put himself together to get one. He went further to give two plots of cassava farm to Ntei's mother, an old woman called Ngesia. some people said Ntei's first wife was seen one morning leaving Chief Ollor's hut just before dawn. Others said it was the second wife. What every one knew without argument was that Ntei apologized to him with drinks before the elders. Chief Ollor then stopped pecking at his age mate's nose.
 Chief Ollor was full. He had taken the yaw titles. He was a one-man forest in Alu-ete. Whoever embarrassed  him must pay a price. Ntei did and paid heavily for it. little wonder then the man stopped drinking and was sober for the rest of his miserable life. it was not known if anybody walked the path Ntei took he surrendered in his own challenge.
Chief Ollor reached the next hut.After a pause, he hailed, "Osila Abbey, my wren, the eagle has come to roost."
 "With songs in my heart I welcome you to the comfort of my rest," came a female voice from within the hut.
 She moved the matt at the door to one to one side so he could come into the hut. For a while he stood looking at her regal profile, the natural carriage, thick arms and mid section that came with age. In this flash of time, he remembered the singer who said, you couldn't really call Osila Abbey beautiful until you ave rally known her.

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