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1)  When they loot money, they keep is in Switzerland 2)  When they want to enjoy with their family, they travel to USA 3)  when sick, th...

Tuesday 24 May 2016


Overtime i have been working on creating a balance in my life and career, like doing things ordinarily I never thought I could, even though I knew they lay rest somewhere inside of me, I still was very afraid of doing them simply because I felt others are doing it better, but some how! I decided to try something new.
so! apart from Photo-journalism, cinematography, Journalistic writings and political appointments I am known for, I had to fan the flames of literary writings in me. Writing Poems, short stories, Spoken words, movie and programme scripts etc. Just practically interpreting the reality around me via writing and visuals.
I also Moved from musical video shoot into Television production as a TV program producer, director and it has been pretty awesome, taking centre stage in the main stream media, complementing various genres of art creatively to paint vivid pictures that mirror the society.

Recently I just finished recording and the shooting of the viral video to my first spoken word poetry titled "A CALL TO SERVE" (Now Playing on CRBC TV Calabar), specially dedicated to all serving Corps members in Cross River State.
I am also working on my first Audio book which will be translated into a Novel and also a Short Cinematic film in no time.. Surprised I am at this rapid development which made me to say, "YOU NEVER CAN TELL HOW FAR YOU CAN GO UNTILL YOU TRY" or! Like my colleagues in advertising and marketing will put it, "A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU".
Keep pushing on, keep stretching, never stop trying and will surly get at it..

A friend spoke to me this morning, telling me hw she wished she could write the way I do, and for her sake I wrote this...

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