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Monday 16 May 2016

Rivers PDP Blasts Maguns Abe over comments on March 19,Re-run Election in Tai LGA!!!

…Says Plot Cannot Succeed

The Rivers State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, says it’s becoming clearer by the day that Mr Magnus Abe, the All Progressives Congress, APC candidate for the Rivers South/East Senatorial District in the March 19, 2016 re-run legislative elections in the State is unrepentant and hell-bent on securing from the backdoor an eluded victory he cannot get through the polls.

A statement by the State PDP chairman, Bro Felix Obuah and signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Jerry Needam in reaction to comments credited to Mr Abe on the re-run election in Tai Local Government Area has it that Mr Magnus Abe must be a pathological liar if actually the statement credited to him came from him.

It’s well known fact that elections in the four local govt areas in Ogoni including Tai, Bro Obuah said, were suspended by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC as soon as it was discovered that the election materials for the concerned areas had been hijacked by Mr Barry Mpigi of the APC.

According to the State PDP boss, Mr Magnus Abe and his cohorts must be joking and deceiving themselves to even contemplate that they will succeed in their plot with Hajia Amina Zakari of the INEC to announce results for elections that never took place.

Perhaps, Bro Obuah added, he (Abe) and the APC want to test the waters with that hoax to know whether or not to proceed with the dangerous move.

“Our advice is that no such attempt should be made because we can never condone that height of criminality. We have repeatedly raised alarm over this secret move, Abe and Mpigi’s frequent visits to the Abuja head office of INEC and the unholy alliance between the duo and INEC’s Amina Zakari just to let them know we are not unaware of the plot.

We are therefore sounding it as a note of warning that any attempt to announce results for elections not held whether in Tai local govt area or elsewhere will be considered an affront  not only on our party but also the entire Rivers people and will be resisted accordingly”, Bro Obuah stressed.

The State PDP chairman added that the party will not be joining further issues with anybody on the position of INEC about the re-run elections in the eight local government areas it suspended the elections as it’s convinced that the electoral body is responsible enough not to do anything capable of truncating our hard earned democratic rule which we are trying to sustain and improve upon.

“Let it be said for the umpteen time that no elections held in Ogoni land on account of INEC’s suspension order”.

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