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Monday, 25 April 2016

The young Mother desperately wanted a Home Birth. The resulting Photos are simply Incredible (Must See)

Home births are becoming increasingly more popular and representatives of this method say that it’s the best for both the mother and child. Alana Ferreira wanted to have a home- and water birth with her second child. Also there was photographer Michele Pampanin, who had already accompanied many births. But this birth was something particularly special because Luiza, Alana’s first daughter, and her husband were there and played a special role.
Luiza is already excited about having a little brother. She has even picked out a romper suit for him. Her mother is also excited. And then the contractions start.
They get closer and closer together and increasingly painful. But Alana is in good spirits and lets everything run its course. She’s even still cracking jokes.
Then, when the birth really sets in, she reaches her limit. But help comes from an unexpected place.
The little Luiza climbed into the pool to help her mother.
She held fast to her mother and gave her strength. She knows that her mom can do it.
Alana conjured up all of her remaining strength. She took a deep breath and then it was time.
The little Benjamin is born. The midwives rejoice with the family. Alana can hardly believe her luck and Luiza is impressed by her strong mom, and by her little brother.
Alana holds her little one proudly in her arms. She’s completely overwhelmed. Her pain is forgotten and now she is simply happy.
The entire family together once again. Luiza can hardly believe that the sweet little bundle is her brother.
After Benjamin has been washed, he is placed back on his mothers stomach – with umbilical cord and placenta. In natural births, these organs have an important symbolic meaning and are first detached later because the still contain a lot of important nutrients for the baby.
Now the big sister may hold her brother in her arms. Wearing the romper suit that she picked out for him. She is sure to be a wonderful big sister.
A birth is always fascinating. And even when many people think that children shouldn’t be present, for those who believe in natural births it’s quite the opposite. They see a birth as the most natural thing in the world and say that children have no fear of being touched and should learn the wonder of life early on. Luiza was obviously not badly effected, in fact she was a very proud help to her mom.

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