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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

A brief update on how the Uniport faculty President have gone in correcting/resolving unrest........

Upon the greatest sossities,
A brief update on how the uniport Faculty presidents' have gone in Correcting,resolving unrest b/w the school management and our unique students generally,,,thou I hv been briefin our department presidents,
I will start from Sunday 10th April,when the faculty prez,confirmed the signals that our students are tired of suffering(high school fees,no results after exam,no school fees no exam policy,in some faculties -peculiar charges)etc..and hv concluded on havin a peaceful Protest by Monday 11th April...the faculty president call the attention of the SUG,but the SUG didn't throw immediate support,...because faculty president   couldn't stop students from protecting,we decided to support, manage and control the protest by seeing the presence of Media(Tv&radio)for students to air there grievances and what they wanted from school management.
Unfortunately as we no in the curse of the Protest one of our students from MANAGEMENT FACULTY cmrd peter faculty president of managment sciences,was shot dead,as a result of the inability of our Vc,=Prof lake,the school PRO=wordu,the school CSO=Reginald,and our own the dean students affairs=Dr otu. To management protest...
After the protest and the death of our Colleague cmrd Peter,the faculty president wrote a communique demanding as follows
1) the immediate resignation/ removal of the VC due to his regid policy and wicked decision not to change ground on NO SCHOOL FEES NO EXAM
2) The immediate resignation/ removal of the P.R.O for  misinforming the general public and Nigerian students.
3) the immediate resignation/ removal of C.S.O for not being able to instruct,the police,army,SARS on the they should treat students.which lead to the men of police to shot and kill cmrd Peter.
4)the immediate resignation/ removal  of the dean students affairs not standing with the students as a mediate during the protest
5)the removal of the policy NO SCHOOL FEES NO EXAM.
6) etc
It is worthy to note that after the protest the school management invited the national body of NANS(national association of Nigerian students)led by the v.p on special duties...this first set of NANS came not for the interest of uniport student s but to favour uniport management,after dia unfavorable decision the school gave the 3m....when the faculty presidents sensed what heard transpired,we lost faith on the NATIONAL BODY OF NANS,and decided to work with the ZONE B NANS...HONESTLY zone B NANS is speaking the interest of uniport student,we hv written to different bodies,national assembly,minister of education,NUC,TUC,UNIPOT GOVERNING COUNCIL,HUMANRIGHT..ETC
TO CUT the story we met with the VC today,through  NANS  zone B DELIGATE which I  was part of hv told the v.c  to resign along side the CSO,PRO,DEAN....all this was not decided by me alone but a majority decision,,,,we hv also being able to meet with the family of lata CMRD PETER,AS SUCH HIS NAME WILL BE NAME AFTER THE SUG LOGDE (CMRD PETER OFORUM LOGDE)WE ALSO RECOMMEND THE SCHOOL BE REDUCE,,,,BEFORE THE 11 DAY we will gate good feedback........
upon the greatest Nigerian students

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