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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Stella Damasus Speaks Against The Senate’s Rejection Of The Gender Equality Bill .

Stella Damasus is speaking up for the equal rights of women.
While the Gender and Equal Opportunity Bill was developed to give legal protection to women from marginalization in Nigeria, the bill was rejected and did not pass second reading at the floor of the National Assembly yesterday .
The bill is broken into three parts, the first part of the bill contains ‘sections covering all forms of discrimination against women’ while the second part ‘Provides for the establishment of an Equal Opportunities Commission’ and the final section seeks to ‘ seeks to enforce the National Gender Policy.’
Expressing her disappointment, Stella Damasus has asked fellow women this important question;
”If we cannot go to every government representative to show them how unacceptable it is then why should we even talk about it?”

The Nigerian senate has rejected the GENDER AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BILL at second reading. This is totally unacceptable and if every African woman cannot rise up to fight for their rights and the rights of their daughters, then why should anyone listen or care? If we cannot scream for the world to know what they are doing to us then what’s the point? If we cannot go to every government representative to show them how unacceptable it is then why should we even talk about it? If every woman who is a mother, wife, sister, aunt or even neighbor to any senator, governor, minister etc cannot speak to them about this then let’s all go to bed. Enough is enough. I am tired of seeing the same people fight for the rights of women and children, risking their lives everyday while others act like they don’t care. They act like they don’t know what’s going on. They would rather post stupid pictures of their designer outfits and their shopping sprees. If we as women who are affected cannot put our differences aside and stand together to fight this, then what is the point? 

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